Friday 2 September 2011

There are various schemes being undertaken to assist young people, this is one of those is worth careful consideration, because I believe it is a clear way forward...
‘E mohiotia ana a waho kei roto he aha’ ‘One can not know from the outside what is contained within’ with those words I’d like to introduce you to group that is working hard to assist Maori male youth [Toiohi]. It seeks and matches volunteer Maori Male men with Maori Youth. It offers these men training and assistance so as to be able to connect with young Maori males. The purpose is simply, to offer both a model for the future and a listening point. They don’t supply answers but they do supply the means to reach answers by the youth themselves. It is classic mentoring…
The project is known as ‘Project Tuakana’ and operates via the “Whaioro Trust” it’s a pilot programme. Its project coordinator is Dale Anderson. She simply bubbles with energy as she tackles the future. Her goal is simple but the task huge: the match of men to youth and youth to men and to set the process of change in motion. The outcomes may be unpredictable at the beginning but the emotional rewards are colossal for all parties. This is community enterprise at its very best. If you feel you can help why not contact Dale and have a chat. Dale can be contacted on 06 354-0670 or mobile 027-244 6106 or by email  

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