Saturday 2 July 2016

A Wider view of Brexit and its fall-out

Economic Update: What Brexit Means, a special audio report...

This is the best explanation I could find of what’s taken place in the UK when they voted to exit the European Union. 

Our prime minister seems to feel that we have nothing to be concerned about. He is wrong; the facts prove that the corruption that has occurred since Thatcher and Reagan and their copy-cat Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson drove us onto the massive downward decline into the world of greed Vs need, Of dictatorship Vs Democracy. Please find the time to listen and if you can share with your friends.

This hour long audio puts the past thirty plus years of imposed neoliberalist control into some context as it relates to people today.

As you listen to the stages of discontent develop is so easy to put yourself into the predicted situations. You can decide at which stage we here in NZ are presently at.

At the end of this presentation it suggests possible change that could be available to all of us and so the changes are introduced in a different manner.

So if you have an hour to spare…please listen to this presentation, we all need to gain a sense of the future possibilities, of what the future could hold for our children and their children. 

Peter Wheeler from WheelerscornerNZ. with thanks to Truthout

Richard D. Wolff, Truthout: This episode discusses the latest on Puerto Rico, street battles in France, the ongoing effects of the Volkswagen emissions scandal and the selling out of national parks. We also examine the implications of Brexit in a changing world economy.

Click here to listen to the Truthout report...

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