Monday 19 June 2017

Kissing a dead Israeli rat.

1. Less than 100 days before the next general election and the polls are starting to tell a new story…Of course we all have differing views on just what these early polls actually mean. We will read into them what tales suit our various perspectives.
Aged NZ First supporters who love to run with Winston Peters are still enjoying his openly racist and anti-immigration rants…in some respects Winston is a aged junior version of nutty US President Donald What’s-his-name, only he has most likely got a few more active brains cells and we know that he can read and write…unlike DT.
It would seem that the National Party still puts some value on their own polling by such boy wonders for example Kiwi Bog owner David Farrar and Matthew Hooton who always comes up with what the highest payer wants. Both are very good friends of Israel and must have been over joyed at the way ‘wee’ Jerry Brownlee kissed Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu Israeli arse while begging forgiveness on behalf of New Zealanders just last week, maybe that was one of the major reasons the latest poll indicated what it did…This from The Daily Blog:
Latest UMR Poll National 42% – Labour/Green 45% « The Daily Blog
Martyn Bradbury
Those desperate to see an end to this appalling Government, the latest TV3 Poll putting Labour on 26% and National on 47% would have been pretty depressing.
It shouldn’t be.
The Poll was taken in the sugar high of the fawning media’s description of National’s budget as left wing and family friendly before the real criticism of how National have actually underfunded health by the tune of $2.3 billion was out.
This is also the Poll that 4 months out from the 2014 election was giving National 50%.
The latest UMR internal fortnightly Poll from Labour taken between 7th June – 15th June paints a completely different picture.
This was taken after the criticism of the budget and after Labour’s foreign student cutback policy.
National 42% (down 2)
Labour 32% (up 2)
Greens 13% n/c
NZF 9% n/c
The truth is the Corporate mainstream media want you to believe Bill English has won before the election is even held.
The truth is that if the youth of this nation rise up and participate and demand change, then the powerful crumble.
If the madness of National’s wealth illusion speculative property bubble housing crisis demands you to act.
If the horror of a suicide rate 3 times higher than officially acknowledged, 41000 homeless and 1600 dying from cold homes annually is unacceptable to you.
Then now is the time to put your shoulder to those political parties who guarantee a change of Government – Labour, the Greens or MANA.
We must refuse to allow the mainstream media to drain us of our hope that change can come.
The time to act is now.

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